It is not easy being in the passenger rail advocacy business in Canada. For most Canadians, VIA Rail has not been a viable alternative to the automobile. Crippling federal government cuts, lack of investment and travelling on tracks owned by a private company, has left VIA Rail struggling to survive. Recent announcements that VIA may restore a train to Sarnia was greeted with cautious optimism by passenger rail groups fighting to get service or improved service in their community. For communities from Kitchener, Cambridge into Toronto the Wynne government continues to push with local governments for more GO Rail transit. There is a new study in progress looking at ways to get off the CN freight railway for quicker, more reliable rail service. For fans of high speed rail travel in Canada, it is definitely still a waiting game. Perhaps the elections in October will bring a government in that is pro-high speed rail. Both main opposition leaders Mulcair and Trud...
HIGH SPEED RAIL CANADA is the only national educational resource on high-speed rail, high-speed trains, TGV, past studies and current information.