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Ideas Still Strong for Boston to Montreal Passenger Rail Links

More action on the return of a passenger rail link connecting Boston again to Canada by passenger rail. Here are two recent articles on two different options.


Advocates of an overnight passenger train that would connect Montreal with Boston, Portland and Old Orchard Beach have about two months to reach an agreement with freight railroads that own the route if they want the service to start next summer.

If the group misses that deadline, it will try for the summer of 2015, said Francois Rebello, the Montreal entrepreneur behind the project, called the “hotel train” or “night train.”

“We hope we can still do it by next summer, but it’s not the end of the world if we have to wait,” Rebello said Thursday after meeting in Montreal with more than 30 supporters.

Here is a link to a schedule when there actually was passenger rail between Portland and Montreal.


Despite the collapse of President Barack Obama's ambitious national high-speed rail proposal, transportation planners in four states and the province of Quebec are busily promoting something similar — though probably more modest — to link Boston, New York and Montreal.

The project will take the cooperation of Massachusetts and five railroads that own tracks along three corridors that need extensive construction or upgrades: New Haven to Springfield, Springfield to Boston, and Springfield to Montreal.,0,2433836.story


  1. That would be fantastic! But that's only on paper because you and I know full well that Mr. Harper is not going to support this move because it would cost too much money. In fact, Ken Westcar of Woodstock informed me that there are rumours that all VIA passengar trains will be cut between toronto and sarnia and all trains west of London as soon as next year. I am planning to email a letter to a lot of VIA rail supporters. We need a new government. I am really mad at him right now.Thank you

  2. This won't happen in my lifetime


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